
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Best Ever Movie Soundtracks

Since the first publicly released talking picture The Jazz Singer (1927) music has been part and parcel of movies.

The movie soundtrack could often carry an otherwise ordinary picture and a classic soundtrack would stick in the minds of the audience long after the pictures had faded from their memory.

Which non-musical movie soundtracks have been your favourite?

Choose your top three from our short-list and, if your all time favourite is not there, tell us what it is.

Activate Survey

Monday, October 10, 2011

How Should Political Parties Be Funded?

In a democracy all political parties require funding to support their campaigns.

In some countries private companies, interest groups and private individuals give vast sums to their chosen party.

Is it naive to think that large donations are given with no strings attached?

Do you support the state funding of political parties or the banning, or severely restriction, of advertising campaigns?

Do modern campaigns fail to address the real political issues and stifle intelligent debate?

Activate Survey

Friday, October 7, 2011

Which Are The Best Ever Movie Remakes?

If movie studios can't come up with an original idea and they have exhausted the sequel they often turn to the remake.

Which re-made movies have been better than the original and which despite all the advantages of improved technology are those that should have been left well alone?

Which are your all time favourite top three re-made movies and which are the classic movies you would like someone to remake?

Activate Survey

Stars with Glasses, Looking Cool or Just Ridiculous?

Jake and Elwood wore their Ray-Ban Wayfarer II sunglasses day and night, today designer sunglasses are de rigeur for anyone in the public eye.

But are some 'A' list celebs committing fashion hari-kari unaware that the public are laughing at them or are we rushing to the designer stores to emulate their style?

We have put forward a short-list of stars in their shades and ask you to rate them for being cool or ridiculous?

Activate Survey

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


In the United Kingdom the House of Lords have ruled that two ex-wives are entitled to a share of their wealthy husbands assets.

Previously, divorce settlements for stay-at-home mothers were aimed at providing maintenance based purely on living expenses, the new ruling allows the stay-at-home partner to claim compensation.

Do you think that the elements that are now to be used in determining the financial settlement for a divorce are fair?

Should short marriages be treated any differently to long marriages?

Should marriages that didn't produce children be treated differently to those that did? Do your sympathies lie with the wage earner or the home maker?

Activate Survey

How Serious Are The Effects Of Global Warming?

Global Warming has been talked about for many years but now it seems that many of the early predictions such as the melting of the Arctic ice shelf and extreme weather are now a reality.

Many political figures around the world have accepted that Global Warming represents an inconvenient truth that must be faced and many are campaigning serious to globally cut human generated greenhouse gas emissions.

Emerging countries such as China and India are reluctant to stifle their economic growth and President Bush publically announced that he was only interested in focusing on technologies that deal with the issue.

Sceptics who argue that the global climate is merely in the midst of a natural cycle are now faced with strong evidence that indicates that global warming is accelerating proportionally to the human output in greenhouse gasses and that there will become a point when the damage caused is irreversible.

How serious do you view the issues surrounding Global Warming and do you think your own government is doing enough to address the problems?

Activate Survey

Monday, October 3, 2011

What Are the Most Romantic Movies of All Time?

What romantic movie stands head and shoulders above the rest?

Were you moved by Titanic or do you hanker back to era of the black and white movie and all time classics such as Casablanca?

Which movie pairing had the most on screen chemistry, can Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet match the 40's pairing of Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart or Clark Gable and Joan Crawford from the 30's?

Activate Survey

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Are Honorary Degrees a Slap in the Face to Real Students?

It takes the majority of people time and sacrifice to study and successfully achieve an academic degree.

For those that succeed there is the public acknowledgement of receiving their degree dressed in the traditional gown and hat and the personal satisfaction of having achieved a qualification respected throughout the world.

However, for a fortunate few there is the Honorary degree handed out on a plate by the world's academic institutions.

Honorary degrees are not a modern day phenomenon, the first being awarded to the brother-in-law of Edward IV by England's Oxford University in 1478.

Are honorary degrees that are awarded to the famous and infamous valid recognition for people who took a different path through life or are they a slap in the face to real students?

Activate Survey

The Best Ever Similes Written by High School Students?

From a short list of similes that have been compiled by American high school English teachers and taken from actual essays assignments we ask you to pick your favourite top three.

Activate Survey